Work - Study Jobs In The USA With Visa Sponsorship
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Work – Study Jobs In The USA With Visa Sponsorship


Work – Study Jobs In The USA With Visa Sponsorship

Have you ever wondered whether work-study is possible in US universities? this article is for you. Work study is a useful way for international students in the United States to earn money for tuition or living expenses while studying. 


Through federally funded work-study programs, many on-campus jobs are open for international students with F-1 visas. Therefore, finding a work-study position is beneficial because it allows students to work legally in the U.S. while being sponsored for a visa.


Work-study jobs offer flexibility since they are located right on campus. This makes it convenient to balance both work and study commitments. Students do not need to travel long distances or spend much time commuting.


 Some common on-campus work-study jobs include:


  • Working in libraries
  • Computer labs
  • Academic departments
  • Dining halls
  • Recreational or athletic centers


In addition to being placed in convenient on-campus roles, work-study is also a great opportunity for international students to practice their English language skills and gain valuable work experience in an American workplace setting. Having work experience can make students more competitive for future career opportunities back in their home country or internationally after graduation.


Application Levels for Immigrants

There are two levels of application that international students should be aware of when seeking work-study positions through their U.S. university or college.


The first is applying directly to their school’s financial aid office: Most accredited post-secondary institutions in America participate in the Federal Work-Study program. Through this, students can request work study as part of their overall financial aid package. If approved, the school’s financial aid office will work to match students with available on-campus job openings.


The second level is applying for specific posted work-study job openings online or via printed postings around campus: Common places to look include school job boards, departments and offices that hire students, student employment resources pages, and notice boards in campus buildings. Students should take the initiative to regularly check for new postings and meet application deadlines to expand their options.


Visa Requirements for Students

To be eligible for work-study positions, international students must have valid F-1 student visas. The F-1 visa allows full-time students to work on-campus for up to 20 hours per week during academic sessions or 40 hours per week during official school breaks like summer. On-campus employment does not require additional authorization beyond the initial F-1 visa.



Tuition Fees Per Year (USD)

  • Private Universities

$25,000 – $55,000


  • Public Universities (in-state resident)

$8,000 – $20,000


  • Public Universities (out-of-state residents)

$15,000 – $35,000


  • Community Colleges

$3,000 – $5,000


Application Requirements and Documents


  • Proof of enrollment in a full-time degree program
  • I-20 form
  • Valid passport
  • Valid F-1 student visa
  • Social Security number (required for payroll)
  • Social Security card


Application Websites to Find Opportunities


  • Your College/University Job Board



Work study is an excellent way for international students to gain valuable work experience and earn income to pay for educational costs while studying in the United States. Through accessible on-campus job opportunities, work-study programs provide a legal way for F-1 students to work part-time and balance study with part-time employment. 


With diligent searching on school and online job sites, you students can find convenient work-study positions that equip you with skills, independence, and experience for future careers.


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