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13 Jobs Hiring now in Canada with visa Sponsorship for Foreigners Apply


13 Jobs Hiring now in Canada with visa Sponsorship for Foreigners Apply

Are you looking for jobs that are currently hiring now in Canada? Do you want to migrate to Canada with a sponsored visa? This article is for you. Canada has established itself as one of the most immigrant-friendly countries in the world. 


The Canadian government has an interest in attracting talented foreigners who can contribute valuable skills to our diverse economy and society. Indeed, immigrants play a significant role in addressing current and future labor needs.


 As such, many employers are actively recruiting from overseas by offering visa sponsorship to eligible candidates. If you possess qualifications and experience in high-demand fields, here are 14 jobs that provide employment-authorized visa sponsorship opportunities.


In this article, we will discuss entry-level positions suitable for newcomers as well as roles requiring some expertise. We’ll also outline typical salary ranges, application requirements, and websites to explore open positions. Remember that eligibility and acceptance depend on your qualifications aligning with Canadian immigration regulations. Pursuing one of these in-demand careers through legal migration channels can help you integrate professionally while using your global skills here in Canada.


Entry-level jobs for immigrants


Those new to Canada seeking initial experience have opportunities in food processing and customer service roles. Food processing plants regularly hire for line attendant jobs performing production and quality control tasks. Most require high school completion but provide on-the-job training. Online customer service agents assist international clients through live chat, email, and phone support. Employers typically look for bilingual English/French candidates but will consider other language combinations.


Visa requirements for employment


  • Obtain a valid Canadian work permit/visa through one of the economic immigration programs
  • Have a full-time job offer from a Canadian employer willing to sponsor your work permit application
  • Meet language proficiency requirements in English and/or French depending on the job and location
  • Qualify through a points-based assessment of age, education, work experience, language abilities, etc.

The salary scale for immigrants on each job


Job Type Minimum Salary Maximum Salary
Food Processing Line Attendant $15/hour $18/hour
Online Customer Service Agent $16/hour $21/hour
Early Childhood Educator $16/hour $23/hour
Office Administrator $17/hour $25/hour
Electrician $24/hour $35/hour
Carpenter $22/hour $32/hour
Plumber $23/hour $36/hour
Cook $16/hour $24/hour
Automotive Service Technician $18/hour $30/hour
Welder $19/hour $32/hour
Nurse $30/hour $45/hour
Civil Engineer $26/hour $45/hour
Accountant $24/hour $40/hour


Application requirements and documents

  • Resume highlighting education, skills, and experience
  • Cover letter explaining your fit for the role and long-term career goals
  • Proof of valid Canadian job offer
  • Copy of diplomas, certificates, and transcripts
  • Language test results if required
  • Police clearance certificates
  • Passport and identity documents
  • Evidence of funds for the cost of living in Canada

Employment websites to find opportunities


  • JobBank.gc.ca
  • Workopolis.com
  • Indeed.ca
  • Eluta.ca
  • LinkedIn
  • Company career pages directly
  • Provincial nominee programs’ job banks
  • Canadian Immigrant Recruitment Associations



Canada continues opening its doors to welcome much-needed talent from abroad. By exploring the roles outlined here requiring visa sponsorship, skilled foreigners gain the chance to permanently establish themselves professionally and personally in this welcoming nation.

With dedication to learning official languages and acquiring Canadian experience, immigrants improve their prospects of long-term settlement and career progression. I hope this overview provided a starting point to initiate your job search and visa application journey to a new future in Canada.

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